
If you are new to the site, please take a moment and introduce yourself! This is a good section to break the ice and meet our very friendly community!
Messages : 32
Inscription : lun. 06 avril 2020 / 10:38 am


Messagepar nigelS » mar. 07 avril 2020 / 11:41 am

I am Nigel from Staffordshire in the West Midlands, UK. I am a retired Lecturer and Examiner in Photography and sold all my professional digital equipment when I retired in 2013 but I kept my 40 year old SX70 Sonar and Pronto! 5000SE Sonar cameras. All I can say is thank God for Doc (FlorianKaps), Oskar and the rest of the team at the new Polaroid (TIP) who keep us all afloat and sane in a world which has turned upside down in the last few weeks!

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Polaroid 195 NPC
Messages : 3759
Inscription : sam. 21 avril 2012 / 14:24 pm
Localisation : Alsace
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Messagepar jj_reypol » mar. 07 avril 2020 / 11:48 am

Hello Nigel, you are welcome here !
Its very nice to have new people sharing their instant photos, thanks for posting your Polaroid.
Be well and stay safe :rocks:

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