So, I bought a used Sonar sx recently, the exterior had some light wear but looked rather good.
Then I buy a pack of film and try it out, it randomly prints an exposure without me pushing anything, this scared me. I then closed it and opened it to see what might happen, and it prints another exposure. basically I wasted a whole pack and that was troubling. I reloaded it though and tried to figure some things out.
Initially I thought the shutter button didn't work, but that's not true, it does if the sonar is turned off, but when you turn the sonar back on it exposes and prints another photo. Also, opening it prints an exposure. Something is causing it to print at these odd times.
So I'm wondering what might be causing this, is it electronics or some other part that's wore out. I have been googling around and it seems some people are experiencing some similar things, but my problem seems to be a combination of things.
If there's anyone with knowledge on this, do let me know. I'm sure someone out there is super knowledgeable on this.
Any help appreciated!
SX-70 Sonar shutter Issues
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