[INSTAX WIDE] Bulb Mode & Multi Exposure Hack (English)

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[INSTAX WIDE] Bulb Mode & Multi Exposure Hack (English)

Postby Dancorp » Sat 13 December 2014 / 00:08 am


Hello Eveyone,

In advance sorry for my english, i'm french.
In this topic i will try to explain how to add two funny features to your Instax Wide Camera :
- Bulb Mode for long exposures.
- Multi Exposure.

This is not a step by step tutorial, you need some soldering skills, tools, wires etc.
Those hacks have been made using my small electronic knowledges, keep that in mind, and of course i'm not responsible for anything.

Let's begin with the multi exposes hack.
To do that, you only need to have :
- a switch, to turn off the motor.
- a push button, to bypass the internal ejection sensor.

(You can also buy a second switch if you have to create a remote shutter button)


How it works :

-Turn ON the camera
-Switch Off the motor
-Take the first picture
-Within 5s, press a short time the push button (The film counter will decrease)
-Swith ON the motor.
-Take the second picture, it will be ejected.

Done !

And now the Bulb mode Hack :
For this one, you only need a 3 Positions Double Switch (http://www.ebay.com/itm/141329069913/)
(Search for "ON-OFF-ON DPDT Mini Toggle Switches")
I recommend to put it in a remote controller, without any connector, because soldering 4 pins connectors has been diffcult for me.

The shutter mechanism could be compared to a DC Motor. Powered in a way : you open it, powered in the reverse way, you close it.

How it works :

In idle state, the swith is in the middle position. (1 / 0 / 2)
- Switch to position 1 to open the shutter, as long as you need.
- Swtich a short time to position 2 to close the shutter thengo back to middle position.
- Hide the the camera lens with your hand and press the shutter button to eject your picture.

Done :)

If you need more details, you can try to translate the french topic of each hack (see in my signature).
But don't worry, you can ask me anything you want here.

Instax 200 hacked - 800iso / f14 / 1min.


Sauvons Polaroid-Passion : Faites un don !

Dancorp - tout objectif flou conduit irrémédiablement à une connerie précise
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Postby goldscott » Sat 04 July 2020 / 22:17 pm

Hi Dancorp,

Great work! I have an instax 210 and I am very interested in making the same modifications you have made. I have questions for you.

For controlling the shutter: is it safe to solder wires onto the vias (little holes in the PCB) to tap into the shutter open/close signals? I think you call these shutin1 and shutin2 in your arduino code. I worry that the output of the arduino would conflict with the instax microcontroller that controls those signals.

Have you found the signals that control the flash firing? I would like add a PC sync or hotshoe. If you unsolder the blue wire going from the main PCB to the flash PCB, the flash does not fire. Same for yellow - disconnect it and the flash doesn't fire.


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Postby MikeNavy » Sun 05 July 2020 / 10:37 am

Dancorp wrote:Hello Eveyone,

In advance sorry for my english, i'm french.
[b]In this topic i will try to explain how to add two funny features to your Instax Wide Camera :
- Bulb Mode for long exposures.
- Multi Exposure.


Mine is more hacked ! :mrgreen:


Instax Wide 300 with manual lens Nikon Nikkor-W 1:5.6 100 mm. Bulb and T modes are on the shutter, same thing for the trigger while the ejection button is on the camera, so very easy to make multiple exposures.

(accessories: Sunpak Auto 455 "hammer" flash, Fujifilm VF-X21 viewfinder, Vivitar left hand handle, Voigtlander rangefinder, Raynox wide-angle converter HD6600PRO and its lens hood, splitter to be used with multiple exposures, Raynox fish-eye converter HDP2800ES; not on the photo: Lumu Lightmeter app on my iPhone, filters, close-up lenses, exposure and depth of field rotating scales).

The Instax Wide has been modded by Option8 (instantoptions.com), I have added the two cold shoes for viewfinder and rangefinder.

Of course, your bulb + double exposure hacks are less expensive. With bulb mode you can shoot with exposures below the minimum of 10,5 and double exposure is a nice thing, still better with a splitter! But you still remain with a limited camera (lens with fixed aperture, max exposure level 15 Ev while you would need 20 Ev to shoot outside on a sunny day, filters cannot be used...).

Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 avec Nikkor-W 1:5.6 100 mm
Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W3
Fujifilm X70 et WCL-X70

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Postby goldscott » Tue 07 July 2020 / 06:52 am

Hi MikeNavy,

I have another instax that I want to do a lens swap like yours, but for this one, I really want to do the same mods that Dancorp did.

The photos on your site look great!

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Postby Dancorp » Tue 14 July 2020 / 11:43 am

goldscott wrote:Hi Dancorp,

Great work! I have an instax 210 and I am very interested in making the same modifications you have made. I have questions for you.

For controlling the shutter: is it safe to solder wires onto the vias (little holes in the PCB) to tap into the shutter open/close signals? I think you call these shutin1 and shutin2 in your arduino code. I worry that the output of the arduino would conflict with the instax microcontroller that controls those signals.

Have you found the signals that control the flash firing? I would like add a PC sync or hotshoe. If you unsolder the blue wire going from the main PCB to the flash PCB, the flash does not fire. Same for yellow - disconnect it and the flash doesn't fire.


Hello Scott,
To be honest, I gave up on the project a long time ago now. I'd have to do some serious work on it again to answer your questions.
It's nice to see that people are still interested in my work!

Sauvons Polaroid-Passion : Faites un don !

Dancorp - tout objectif flou conduit irrémédiablement à une connerie précise
Découvrez mes hacks pour Instax Wide :
[Multiexposition] [Pose B (English Here)] [Instaduino! Project]
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