What film choices for my Back

Discussions on the Polaroid® back : Holga (Holgaroid), Hasselblad, Mamiya ...
Messages : 1
Inscription : ven. 08 juin 2018 / 21:37 pm

What film choices for my Back

Messagepar apagano » ven. 08 juin 2018 / 21:41 pm

Hello all,
New to this forum, I just bought Mamiya Universal press with Press with a Polaroid Back. I have been using FP100c pack film .Are there any other film choices I have with that back?

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Polaroid 600SE
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Inscription : dim. 04 novembre 2012 / 22:50 pm
Localisation : Auvergne allant du Puy de Dôme jusqu'aux Alpes
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Messagepar scaf » sam. 09 juin 2018 / 07:42 am


Here is a list with compatible films : http://en.polaroid-passion.com/format-t ... -films.php

Good luck to get some. None of them are avalaible anymore, finding them is hard and they are all expensive. Mostly seen on ebay.

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