SX-70 with external flash not synching

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Inscription : lun. 08 avril 2024 / 05:28 am

SX-70 with external flash not synching

Messagepar Lie34 » sam. 13 avril 2024 / 23:22 pm

Hi all,

On my polaroid sx-70 (Alpha model), i would like to add some external electronic flash. (Fuji EF X20). I bought the Realfilmreel Flash adapter , but the images come out black with the flash on.
As if not synching togheter?

An one knows what to do. Is this normal and is there a way out?

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Polaroid 600SE
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Inscription : dim. 04 novembre 2012 / 22:50 pm
Localisation : Auvergne allant du Puy de Dôme jusqu'aux Alpes
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Messagepar scaf » lun. 15 avril 2024 / 22:46 pm


As I remember, the speed of the flash musn't be too fast.
Electronic flashes are often too fast as opposed to the original (and chemical) flash cubes flashbars.
That way, the shutter finishes opening when the flash is already off.

If possible, set it to 1/60s or less.

Konica Instant Press
Messages : 5118
Inscription : dim. 31 juillet 2011 / 19:05 pm
Localisation : Calais, Köln

Messagepar xya » mar. 16 avril 2024 / 19:58 pm

As far as I know the SX70 sets a slow speed of ~1/40 automatically as soon as you insert a flash bar or a flash adapter. The aperture is then set according to the distance setting. So electronic flash should work fine, as it does with plenty of Polaroid and non-Polaroid electronic flashes.

There are adapters for Sonar models, which are different and not compatible with the ordinary SX70, but these should not fit into an ordinary SX70. So maybe the adapter used does not trigger the flash mode correctly...
matos : mamiya universal avec tout (instax inclus); 360 100 propack; mp4 optiques div en 100 + 4x5; sx670 aussi sonar et i-type one600pro OneStep+ I-2; 8x10 processor; multishot 84; bigshot; spd360; cu-5 3" et 5" en 100 et 4x5; daylab + copy pro; instax 500af 210 100 50 sq10 liplay; lomo instant automat et glass instax wide; mint RF70; superwidestax option; dos instax wide 4x5; lomowidestax; dos coyote sq rb67; pinstax wide; diana diana square holga lc-a lc wide instax escura 60s. beh oui, c'est moins qu'avant.
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