Type 100 cameras, foam seal
Type 100 cameras, foam seal
I can't find anything on this subject on the Forum so I thought it might be of use to people. I recently bought two Type 100 cameras on eBay, each one less than half the cost of a pack of FP100C. The 355 is in a lot better condition than the 360 and the battery conversion is much simpler. I now have a Model 355 ready to start taking pictures as soon as I receive the first pack of film I have ordered and also when it finally stops raining. One of the problems in both cameras is that after half a century the foam seal at the back of the compartment has perished and turned to dust. I have carefully removed the residue using a small screwdriver to scrape it off and a vacuum cleaner in the other hand to remove all the bits. On Option 8's website he has placed pieces of loose foam where the original seals were but as they are not stuck in it seems to me they will soon drop out so I used foam draught excluder which is self-adhesive, carefully cutting the bits to shape. The old Polaroid pack which came in one of the cameras seems to go in pretty well and sits tightly onto the new seals.
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- 2020_06_19 Model 355 foam seal replacement cu.jpg (90.2 KiB) Viewed 63091 times
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