Photo's batch number

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Photo's batch number

Messagepar polaroidfan » ven. 14 décembre 2018 / 20:13 pm


I have a picture made 1984.I want to find out what is the model it was shot with?
I found a link to polaroidoriginals website, they explain the number from the possible times to now-days.
Does somebody knows how to decode old Polaroid batch numbers?

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Messagepar Photawam » ven. 14 décembre 2018 / 21:27 pm

Thanks !
Ce n'est peut-être pas un hasard si image est l'anagramme de magie.
Georges Méliès

Une image vaut mille mots.

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Polaroid 600SE
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Messagepar scaf » lun. 24 décembre 2018 / 13:21 pm

Hi all,

For Christmas I made a script that decodes for you PO or IP's photo batch number.

I wrote it in MS Batch : ... ecoder.cmd

Useful if you have one or more photos and don't remember the batch they come from; don't decode it yourself : let the script do it for you !

Next to come : a bash version.

And I, too, would like to know the code of old Polaroid batch numbers :) ...

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Polaroid 600SE
Messages : 3187
Inscription : dim. 04 novembre 2012 / 22:50 pm
Localisation : Auvergne allant du Puy de Dôme jusqu'aux Alpes
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Messagepar scaf » jeu. 27 décembre 2018 / 10:29 am


As promised, here is a bash version of the script : ... al_decoder
After download, don't forget to set the executive rights on the file.

If you try those scripts, please tell me if they work (or not !) for you.

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